Welcome to SumerKis's
Tribute to Beavis n Butthead
.... it should go without saying that some people would find most of these wavs offensive!
Purty Mouth (55.9 kb)
Porno (35.0 kb)
Seizure (105 kb)
Poem (102 kb)
Sex2 (505 kb)
Klingons (107 kb)
Spank (66.0 kb)
Horse (73.3 kb)
Spank Monkey (23.1 kb)
Fries (53.9 kb)
Stare (64.0 kb)
Fallen (23.6 kb)
Whip (59.9 kb)
Dorks (115 kb)
Beavis talks to Forrest (51.7 kb)
Ballwash (37.4 kb)
Spanish (213 kb)
Chicken (109 kb)